Surrounded by the di Rosa collection at the entrance to Gallery 2…
Join Executive Director Kate Eilertsen and Deputy Director Andrea Saenz for an informal and candid chat about di Rosa’s past 25 years, and an exciting preview of future plans.
Afterward, gather for a toast and a curator’s walkthrough of The Incorrect Museum: Redux—a dramatically updated and expanded exhibition of di Rosa’s world-class collection of Northern California art.
2 PM
Welcome and di Rosa at 25 chat with Kate Eilertsen and Andrea Saenz
Toast to the next 25!
Unveiling of The Incorrect Museum: Redux and Curatorial Walkthrough with Twyla Ruby and Kate Eilertsen
4 PM
Plan ahead & Arrive early
Plan for about 30 minutes to park, check in at Gallery 1 visitor reception, and then make your way on foot or by shuttle to Gallery 2 for the program.