Mike Henderson: New Work

Mike Henderson shares new expressive, gestural abstract paintings that, like the blues and jazz music he also creates, fully engage viewers both physically and intellectually. Working both with and beyond the tradition of Abstract Expressionism, Henderson improvises with oil paint in a visual equivalent to the musical improvisations he crafts with his guitar…read more


An exhibition of works of art interpreting nature and created by Bay Area artists responding to the natural environment, whether in detailed studies of plants and animals or lush paintings of the land or sea. Featuring Jessica Cadkin, Ross Campbell, Misako Inaoka, Carrie Lederer, Kathryn Spence, Lucrecia Troncoso, Tara Tucker.

After the Age of Reason: New Work by Maria Porges

The exhibition presented new drawings, some of which incorporate fragments of actual books; wall-hung sculpture cast in a variety of materials, including wax backed with plaster, bronze, and cast lead crystal.  Accompanied by color brochure.

There! New Art From Oakland

An exhibition exploring the creative talent exploding in Oakland today featuring artists Adam Air, Eric Araujo,  Monica Canilao, Alika Cooper, Zach Houston, Obi Kaufmann,  Keba Konte, Michael Meyers,  Faviana Rodriguez,  Mark Inglis Taylor, Matt Volla, Adam Air Williams, Gabrielle Wolodarski.

Lewis deSoto: Tales of Power

Tales of Power showcases deSoto’s two thematically customized automobiles as sculptures, Cahuilla (2006) and Conquest (2004). Power takes many forms—the transformation of energy, the reality of presence, and the metaphors of money, politics, and war.

Collection in Context: Bay Area Ceramic Sculpture

The Bay Area has long been known for its innovative ceramic artists.  Artists such as Robert Arneson, Clayton Bailey, David Best, Squeak Carnwath, Stephen De Staebler, Viola Frey, David Gilhooly, Marilyn Levine, Michael Llucero, Jim Melchert, Ron Nagle, Richard Shaw, Irv Tepper, and Peter Voulkos have been at the forefront of testing the limits of […]

MFA Selections: A Salute to Bay Area Emerging Artists

di Rosa’s Biennial juried exhibition of featuring of artists who recently completed their Master’s of Fine Art degrees at Bay Area art schools and colleges, with works that cross a broad scope of medium, including painting, sculpture, drawing, video, and installations by artists Chris Bell, Ali Dadgar, Joshua Eggleton, Renee Gertler, Dan Lydersen, Elizbeth Mooney, […]

Gay Outlaw: Recent Sculpture

Gay Outlaw’s work in sculpture and photography explores form through structure, pattern and translation. Her process often begins with a form from one of her photographs.

Jock McDonald: A Series of Series

An exhibition showcasing 24 large platinum prints from eight photographic series representing diverse subjects and deeply personal views of the world and its people.

GRAPHIC: New Bay Area Drawing

In a time of great technological growth and innovation, many visual artists are turning to the simplicity of making marks on a two-dimensional surface as their primary medium. Works by Libby Black, John Casey, Ala Ebtekar, David Huffman, Packard Jennings, Amy Rathbone, Tucker Schwarz, Dean Smith, Taravat Talepasand, Josephine Taylor, Weston Teruya, and Canan Tolon.