Beatnik Meteors

Inspired by a seminal work in the di Rosa collection by William T. Wiley, Beatnik Meteors presents an exciting group of contemporary regional artists who share an interest in creating platforms for collaborative work.

Linda Connor: From Two Worlds

This solo exhibition by photographer Linda Connor features two seemingly divergent bodies of work. Presented as large-scale photographs, some printed on silk, Dark Forces reveals Connor’s fascination with the time worn monasteries encountered in Tibet and Northern India.

MFA Selections: A Salute to Bay Area Emerging Artists

di Rosa’s biennial juried MFA exhibition features artists who recently completed their Master of Fine Art degrees at Bay Area art schools and colleges. Selected artists Llewelynn Fletcher, Chris Fraser, Jacqueline Gordon, Camilla Newhagen, Chelsea Pegram, and Angie Wilson explore sculpture with light, sound, textiles, and other unusual materials.

Renaissance on Fillmore, 1955-65

Between 1955 and 1965, San Francisco’s upper Fillmore District was an important, locus of creative ferment and home to a remarkable and eclectic group of painters, poets, and musicians who changed the course of American art. This exhibition features work by Joan Brown, William H. Brown, Bruce Conner, Jean Conner, Jay DeFeo, Wally Hedrick, and […]

Entering the Wild

Curated by Anne Veh, Entering the Wild features the work of contemporary artists who share a reverence for the natural world. On view are sculptures and drawings by Jane Rosen, photographs by Lukas Felzmann and Richard Whittaker, photographic and video installations by Trish Carney, mixed media installations by Adriane Colburn, and editioned books by Charles […]

CYCLE 輪回: New Works by Hung Liu

di Rosa’s New Work series offers the public an opportunity to encounter new and recent works by important Bay Area artists. As a painter, Hung Liu challenges the documentary authority of historical Chinese photographs by subjecting them to a more reflective process of painting. Much of the meaning of her painting comes from the way […]

Looking at You Looking at Me

Looking at You Looking at Me brings together an intriguing group of artworks from the di Rosa collection that provoke conversation about the ways we look at each other, the implications of being the subject of a gaze, and the role of art in this complex interplay. Featuring photography, video, sculpture, painting, and electronic constructions […]

Zombie-Proof House

Zombie-Proof House is a meditation on anxiety and hope in a troubled time. This major group exhibition, organized by di Rosa curator Robert Wuilfe, explores recent history and potential futures as they relate to collapse, political upheaval and shared responsibility. Taking its tongue-in-cheek title from the recent predominance of zombies in language and pop culture, […]

Reconstructed World

Reconstructed World focuses on the work of artists who draw viewers into complex narrative tableaux through recreating and restaging sites, objects, and stories. Rather than striving for perfect realism or objective documentation, these projects side-step traditional representation for a more uncanny and ultimately affective experience. The projects in the exhibition utilize a range of media […]